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While all of the advertising is clearly marked as such, regardless of compensation, the publisher will always give honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed on the Website are purely those of the publisher. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.
II. Product Reviews
1. Products featured in the reviews are purchased by the publisher’s own money unless otherwise noted.
2. The beauty reviews provided by the website are for general informational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are by The Publisher and not those of any advertiser, company, affiliate, or group unless otherwise noted.
3. People have different skin types and skin tones, a product that works with The Publisher does not necessarily mean it will work on another person.
4. The Publisher will provide as much information (including but not limited to product ingredients and manufacturing process) regarding the products featured in The Website’s reviews. But note that some products featured on The Website do not have English translations or the brands didn’t provide complete information regarding their products, so they may contain ingredients that may cause allergic reactions or are manufactured unethically without The Publisher’s knowledge.
5. The Publisher provides accurate information as much as possible, but please understand that The Publisher is not a medical doctor or expert in any field and is not completely free of error. Please do not consider The Publisher’s opinions to be substituted for professional advice.
III. Content
1. This website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for advice or treatment from a qualified medical professional.
2. The Website will always credit products or bloggers whose ideas we post. Any lack of credit is completely unintentional and will be corrected upon notice. Everything is attributed to the best of the Publisher’s ability. If your work is unaccredited, contact the publisher so it can be credited. If you would prefer for it not to be featured at all, make contact & it will be promptly be removed.